old MBCT - Time 2

Dear participant, you are being asked to complete a follow-up questionnaire as part of your participation in a research study on the effectiveness of the MBCT-Ca group offered at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre.

 Your participation is voluntary, and you may refuse to participate or withdraw at any time. This will in no way impact the services offered to you at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre.

 All information collected during this study will be kept confidential and will not be shared with anyone outside the study unless required by law.  You will not be named in any reports, publications, or presentations that may come from this study. The information that is collected for the study will be kept in a locked and secure area or on secured UHN servers by the study doctor for a minimum of 10 years. A list linking your study number with your name will be kept by the study doctor in a secure place, separate from your study file. Access to the information will be restricted to those who are approved by the University Health Network Research Ethics Board to ensure the security and confidentiality of the information.

There are 32 questions in this survey.